The Collaboration Partners


Consultants - Service

About Us

The Collaboration Partners is a professional development program in Ashland, Ohio, that partners with horses to provide leaders and their teams with the opportunity to create brave growth for themselves and their organizations. Through goal-based experiences with horses, our clients discover their strengths and courage to navigate through the uncertainty that is coming at us moment by moment.

Equine experiential leadership development is based on biomimicry, which applies information from nature to address human challenges.

The Diamond Model of Shared Leadership™, a simple and effective model of collaboration used by horses, is a core component of equine experiential leadership development.

By learning the capabilities of shared leadership through experiential learning with horses, leaders can improve their ability to navigate uncertainty, which is a normal part of doing business.

Equine experiential leadership development provides a unique and memorable experience for leaders that can lead to lasting changes in behavior and mindset.

Leaders who participate in equine experiential leadership development can improve their communication, emotional intelligence, and other essential leadership skills.

Overall, equine experiential leadership development offers a valuable opportunity for leaders to learn from nature, improve their leadership skills, and position their organizations to succeed in an uncertain future.

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211 Claremont Avenue, Ashland, OH 44805 – (419) 281-4584 –