Ashland Theological Seminary

Ashland Theological Seminary


EducationReligious Organization

About Us


Ashland Seminary integrates theological education with Christ-centered transformation as it equips men and women for ministry in the church and the world.


In order to equip men and women for ministry, Ashland Seminary brings together a faculty with shared commitment to biblical, evangelical faith; the pursuit of excellence in teaching; and professional development through continuing education and research. This interdenominational team of educators attempts to create both a community of fellowship and a climate for learning.

The Seminary creates a learning environment that emphasizes both biblical conviction and tolerance. This climate facilitates the appreciation of persons and ideas from diverse Christian traditions within a cross-cultural perspective. Students are encouraged to deepen their understanding of and involvement in their own denominational traditions.

Students are challenged to develop a relationship of intimacy with God as they grow to maturity in Christ under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. The curriculum is designed to develop competence in hermeneutics, biblical studies, history, and theology, as well as ministry areas such as preaching, teaching, worship, pastoral care, counseling, spiritual formation, missions, evangelism, and administration. The Seminary models and fosters a commitment to lifelong learning which balances ministry and family life.

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