Ashland Times-Gazette


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About Us


For 163 years, the Ashland Times-Gazette has been reporting on the news and events of Ashland County.

Today, the Times-Gazette is the No. 1 news and advertising source for Ashland County, reaching more than two-thirds of the homes in its primary market area and 50 percent of the residences across the county. Each day, more than 27,000 people read the T-G print edition. In addition, the T-G's Website,, has nearly 30,000 unique visitors each month, and features content not found in the print edition.

If you want to know what's happening in Ashland County, the Times-Gazette is a must-read. Whether it's the actions of local government, what's happening in the schools, results of local sporting events, significant milestones in family life or opinions on local community and political matters, the Times-Gazette has it covered. No matter what you might be shopping for, advertising in T-G connects buyers and sellers far better than any other local media. And don't forget the comics that provide a chuckle or two each day!

The staff of Times-Gazette is excited about the future. We are working to take advantage of technological advances to better serve our readers and advertisers -- whether its new ways to digitally report the news or innovative new means to help our advertisers better reach their customers. We're working to help assure the Times-Gazette is serving its readers well for the next 162 years!

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